Oops this match ( /matches/20210629 ) was not found on matches.csv.

Match Information

Please enclose £100 entry fee in an envelope and write the names of BOTH anglers on the front.

Only one angler from each pair to attend the draw.

At the draw you will receive an envelope which contains a pairs entry sheet & copy of pairs pegs. The entry sheet will be marked:

  • Day 1 Zone A Peg No. & Zone B Peg No.
  • Day 2 Zone A Peg No. & Zone B Peg No.

Please fill in the names for Day 1 & Day 2 as indicated on the entry sheet (Note there is NO need to alternate between Zone A & B over the 2 days).

Return COMPLETED pairs entry sheet to Tony BEFORE leaving the draw.

Those of you who draw scales on Day 1 please ensure you return them to Match HQ at end of Day 1.

There will be no draw on Day 2, anglers go straight to their peg on Day 2.

No angler to be on the bank before 8.30am on Day 2!

Results across both days will be declared at end of Day 2 at Day 2 Match HQ.